Impact Evaluation of
Smart Class Solutions
: A Study by
MarketGenics India Pvt Ltd

Impact Evaluation of Smart Class Solutions by a Prominent Educational Brand: A Study by MarketGenics India Pvt Ltd

Digital learning solutions are becoming the foundation of contemporary classrooms in the ever changing educational landscape of today. Our client, a well-known educational company, wanted to assess the efficacy of its innovative Smart Class Solutions for curriculum study and competitive exam preparation. In order to determine the Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) that would guide future marketing efforts, it was necessary to collect feedback from important stakeholders. To achieve this, the educational brand collaborated with MarketGenics India Pvt Ltd to conduct an extensive impact evaluation across schools in multiple cities.

Impact Evaluation Study

Study Overview

MarketGenics India Pvt Ltd carried out a comprehensive impact assessment, reaching out to stakeholders from 20 schools (which are using our client’s product) in Bangalore, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Pollachi, Pattambi, Mettupalayam, Tiruchendur and Nagpur. The study engaged:

  • 20 Principals
  • 44 Teachers
  • Around 200 Students from classes 9 to 12

The aim was to assess how the Smart Class Solutions were received and utilized by the school’s leadership, teaching staff, and students, ensuring a multi-dimensional evaluation of the product.

Key Research Objective

The main research objective was to:

  • Evaluate the impact of the Smart Class Solutions among key stakeholders, including school principals, faculty, administrative teams, and students.

By analyzing feedback from these diverse groups, the study aimed to uncover the strengths and challenges associated with the product’s usage in schools.

Business Objective

For the educational brand, the overarching business objective was to:

  • Leverage the study’s insights to shape future marketing campaigns, emphasizing the product’s success in schools and attracting new educational partners.
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The evaluation would provide concrete data to define the USPs that resonate with potential customers, helping the brand further penetrate the competitive educational technology market.


To collect the requisite information for this study, we used a quantitative approach. Quantitative research  executed as semi-structured interviews conducted by trained MarketGenics investigators. Interviews took place one on one, face to face, at the school premises. Once the data collection was over, analysis was conducted to identify patterns, key themes, and satisfaction levels across the stakeholder groups.

Key Findings

The evaluation’s findings offered some important insights into how the product was received:

  • High Student Engagement: The interactive features of the Smart Class Solutions were well received by the students. They said that the captivating, visually stimulating content made learning less stressful and more pleasurable by improving their understanding of difficult subjects.
  • Teachers’ Support: Teachers praised the platform’s adaptability, pointing out that it saved time in lesson preparation and allowed for lesson customisation. Additionally, the content contributed to more dynamic instruction, which raised student engagement in the classroom.
  • Implementation Challenges: Although several principals commended the system for its inventiveness and capacity to increase teaching effectiveness, a few pointed out early difficulties incorporating the product into their school’s infrastructure. However, once operational, the system contributed significantly to the overall learning environment.

Based on the findings, MarketGenics India Pvt Ltd identified several unique strengths of the Smart Class Solutions that could serve as key USPs in future brand campaigns.


With accuracy, MarketGenics India Pvt Ltd carried out the effect evaluation study, guaranteeing thorough data collecting and perceptive analysis among many stakeholders in several locations. The client now gets actionable knowledge to improve the market positioning of their product and confidently pursue new collaborations thanks to this smooth method.

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MarketGenics has reaffirmed its dedication to provide clients insightful, data-driven assessments that help them make well-informed, strategic business decisions with this project.

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