Why Are Businesses
Opting for
Reactive Marketing?

Why Are Businesses Opting for Reactive Marketing?

News travels fast with the help of social media, and this gives a wonderful opportunity for businesses to make the latest news or events as the base of their marketing campaigns. In other words, you use a timely, reactive approach to promote your brand at the right place at the right time. This is what reactive marketing is all about and has become very important in the field of digital marketing.

Reactive marketing is one of the upcoming marketing strategies that businesses can engage to connect with its target customers. It is basically one of the ways in which marketing of a business is done on the basis of customers’ reactions and feelings. Let’s get to know more about Reactive Marketing and how it is useful in digital marketing.

What is reactive marketing?

In reactive marketing, all promotions or marketing of a business is done on the basis of consumers’ actions and trends at real time, meaning as and when they happen. With the help of reactive marketing, you can actually market your brand or products in those areas where people are actively searching for similar products. It’s a form of marketing where you can convert your marketing efforts into sales.

How is this possible?

In reactive marketing, businesses use promotional tactics like referrals, discounts, offers which actually appeal to the consumers emotionally. In reactive marketing, there is no prior planning and propaganda, no clear agenda, goal or budget in mind. There is no kind of pre-designated budget. Expenses are incurred depending on the situation. Such a type of marketing is done abruptly as and when it is required.

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Types of Reactive Marketing

    • Seasonal reactive marketing: For example, emphasis on full-fledged marketing promotion is given during festival time or during any seasonal dates. For instance, discounts prior to Diwali festival are very common on all e-commerce sites in India. Similarly, you will come across Summer Sales or Winter Sales. Consumers are fully aware of the Sales season because of aggressive reactive marketing carried out by the varied businesses online.

    • News and current events’ reactive marketing: Here, many businesses try to take advantage of an emerging news story and come up with marketing gimmicks to lure customers. For instance, the recent Covid 10 outbreak has given a chance to many businesses to come up with marketing strategies for maximum sale of sanitizers, masks and other essential commodities. 

Important facts associated with reactive marketing

    • The faster you react, the greater the effects seen in reactive marketing.

    • Reactive marketing takes place on the basis of consumer reactions or marketing threats.

    • Reactive marketing is short-term marketing which takes place to win or re-win customers from other rival competitors or to re-build a brand image.

    • Usually, reactive marketing takes place in times of economic turbulence and/or recession or seasonal changes and festivals.

    • Reactive marketing is best opted by highly competitive and established businesses.

Benefits of reactive marketing

  • Reactive marketing basically is associated with marketing on the basis of real-time events, real-time news and topics so that the brand becomes more visible to the consumers. The reason being, at real time events, the consumers actually are more actively engaged with or well aware of the event or the news at that particular time, and hence the ad gets more impressions than usual.
  • In the US, almost 50% of the consumers say that they remember an ad more when it’s something funny to read. And in many cases, reactive marketing ads are humorous.
  • When reactive marketing advertisements are uploaded at the right time on the right platform with interesting content, there is more chance of engagement from prospective customers. With reaction-based advertisements, there are more chances of connecting to customers who are exposed to your brand for the first time.
  • When your reactive marketing strategy is well-planned, it creates an opportunity to get your business visible in front of an audience globally, which leads to an increased awareness and helps in generating leads for your business.
  • With reactive marketing, the importance is given to immediate action. This immediate action can be taken up by a simple tweet with a catchy hashtag or you post on booking marking sites like reddit or write a blog immediately with links to your website or else just opt for a PPC campaign immediately.  
  • Online digital marketing has also led to small businesses on a small budget to compete with larger brands by using reactive marketing techniques.
  • Investing in reactive marketing is a quick and easy way and also cost effective. If you reach your prospective customers with relevant news or topics, the engagement levels increase as a whole.
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Reactive marketing is an excellent way to make the most of the latest events to create marketing campaigns for businesses. With the right strategy, reactive marketing definitely helps in getting connected to the right audience.

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