is one of the fastest growing research companies in the country, offering end-to-end research services.
Considering the fact that people’s opinion matters for any new product or service or for any new up-dations in existing products or services, MarketGenics connect with real customers at the real time. As a research organization, with our database of more than 5 lakh panelists, our data collection methods include online surveys, tele-calling and face-to-face interviews.
Surveys are helpful in connecting with a larger population for an accurate feedback. No other research method can provide this broad capability, which provides a more correct sample to accumulate targeted results, on the basis of which corrective decisions can be made.
The company is now in its expansion mode of connecting with more number of people all across the country to do industry specific online surveys as and when required. Considering this fact in mind, we have launched our mobile app Market-G.
We create profiles of our panelists on the basis of different categorizations required in Market Research. This includes the following:
Our researchers are looking for respondents, tele-callers, data entry operators, researchers PAN India, irrespective of gender, background, demography, profession.
This is the first of its kind platform where each and every respondent, irrespective of their background get a chance to participate and give their valuable insights of a product or service with the help of the Market-G app.
Students, Housewives, Professionals, Workers, Retired People, Non-working Individuals, Handicapped Individuals – all can be a part of our RESEARCH Panel. Get notifications of surveys which are apt as per your profile. Interesting remuneration/gift vouchers for each survey completed. You can also get bonus reward points when you refer our app to others. Not only survey jobs, you can also be a part of MarketGenics’ team by participating in focus group discussions or in-depth interviews .
All you need is to download the Market-G app from the Playstore on your mobile. Register on the app and share your details. Your profile will be stored in our database. As soon as there is a survey suitable to your profile, you will get a notification with the survey link. You fill the survey and get paid either in cash or gift vouchers, as per your choice. It is simple and easy.
MG SocialCare Foundation is the social welfare division of An empowerment platform for all through skill training and employment opportunities.
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