MG-Drishyam is our product for mystery shopping/audit services. We provide a true and unbiased account of the customer experience. We have deployed Mystery Shopping audits with many leading brands of various industry domains.
MarketGenics’ researchers cum auditors are thoroughly trained. They follow all Standard operating procedures of the client, including the Mystery Audit checklist. We make sure our experts spend considerable time in the outlet so as to gather complete insights on each item of the checklist. In order to maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of the audits, we also use an application MG-Lens. Our cutting edge technology platform enables real-time data capturing through mobile app and ensures authenticity of data. We also follow a two-tier quality check process in place, where 100% quality checks are maintained.
Our mystery audit programs are designed to assess real-time experience of a customer in a store or any other locations as per requirement.
MarketGenics India is a MRSI certified company.
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