Govt and Public Sector Market Research



Market Research Services for the Govt Sector


Government bodies often need to do market research as they seek to make sure that the services they provide meet the needs of taxpayers. Whenever the government has the need for a particular product or service, they often conduct market research to make sure they are surveying all the possibilities and finding the one that works the best for them. 

This is where MG-Govt steps in. 

How we help?

MarketGenics provides public sector market research services to government agencies, non-profit organizations, political parties and corporations, national institutions.

Our Government market research services specialize in delivering ad-hoc research services. We provide the optimal qualitative and quantitative data collection methodology, sampling plan and segmentation strategies based on project requirements which provide deep insight to our clients in various sectors in government and public sector units.

Our research project management is process-driven and result-oriented, with a strong focus on the quick turnaround on various govt services related surveys

Have an idea in mind? Let's talk now.

Planning to start a business. Let us help you out. Market Research is the only path that helps connect with customers. It is the potential key that provides solution and helps to cope up with the changing business environment.

Complete End to End Package

Recruitment, Interview, Questionnaire Design, Poll, Surveys, Data Analysis & Presentation for all types Govt and Public Sector Projects

Hybrid: Both Quant & Qual Study
Respondents as per requirement
Locations as per requirement
All Govt Projects
Govt Surveys, Polling, Govt Schemes Study
Data Analysis & Reporting
Completion Time: Best Turnaround Time

Contact Info


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