Start-Up Support at ZERO or Minimal Cost



Market Research Services to Strategize Business in the Right Direction

MG Kawach is a  Unique Mentorship Program for Startups through Market Research – Absolutely on No Cost. We want to help  Startups to launch their business with the right strategic approach with a MARKET RESEARCH STUDY.  

Qualitative Research

Face to Face (Online & Offline Interviews) 

  • 2 In-depth Interviews


Quantitative Research

  • CLT
  • Telephonic 
  • Online/Offline Surveys
  • 50-100 respondents



  • Completion time 2 weeks
  • 4 cities ; 1 T1/T2 city
  • Final analysis & Reporting


How we help?

According to business owners, reasons for failure of most start-ups include money running out, being in the wrong market, a lack of research, bad partnerships, ineffective marketing, and not being an expert in the industry. 

Our MG-KAWACH will help start-ups in the following ways:

  • Provide you with an accurate view of your company and the market
  • Help you in determining who your customers are
  • Discover how clients and prospects see your current business and goods
  • Assess how a new business or product concept will be received
  • Informed decisions on product packaging and how to market your product

Terms and Conditions

  • MarketGenics will provide market research services as per the requirement of the client absolutely FREE OF
    COST, but limited to the first study only.
  • Marketgenics will decide on the timeline and the quantum of data required at the initial level.
  • The objective of first free service is to help Start-ups understand market dynamics for their offerings.
    and hence any study we take up would be highly focused. Sample size and type of study would be decided
    by MG research team.

Have an idea in mind? Let's talk now.

Planning to start a business. Let us help you out. Market Research is the only path that helps connect with customers. It is the potential key that provides solution and helps to cope up with the changing business environment.

For StartUps

£ MG Kawach
No Cost
Quantitative Study
2 In-depth Interviews
Respondents 50 to 100
4 cities & 1 T1/T2 City
Data Analysis & Reporting
Completion Time 2 Weeks

Contact Info


MG SocialCare Foundation is the social welfare division of An empowerment platform for all through skill training and employment opportunities.

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