MG-NPS | Net Promoter Score

MG-NPS helps measuring the loyalty of customers to a company/brand/product/service

Keeping track of customer satisfaction and loyalty is vital for every business and, essentially that’s what the Net Promoter Score (NPS) does. It provides you with a single metric to show how well you’re doing.

‘How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to your friends/colleagues?’

How we help?

  • NPS is simple, quick and easy to work out, and within a short time, we help you measure where your company stands.
  • Benchmarking – since so many companies use NPS scores and it’s a standardised measure, you can use these scores to compare your company with others.
  • NPS is not only good to benchmark against competitors but is also a good measure for a company to compare its own performance, whether it is year on year, or after specific campaigns.
  • NPS provides a simple, single metric that’s easy to understand and measure and with the help of our analysis, you can  focus your attention on customer-centricity.

MG-NPS: Lets Talk Now

Measure, analyse and improve Net Promoter Score (NPS) across your business with MarketGenics’ MG-NPS.

Customer loyalty and satisfaction measurement taken with the help of MG-NPS will be of great help in your business decisions and improvement.

A complete end-to-end package


Hybrid: Both Quant & Qual Study
Respondents as per requirement
Locations as per requirement
Questionnaire Design
FGDs, In-depth, Structured/Semistructured Interviews
Surveys, Telecalling
Moderation & Transcription
Data Analysis & Reporting
Completion Time: Best Turnaround Time

Contact Info


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