category campaign

  • Name: Caste Category Campaign
  • Research: Poll

Objective of the Research

The objective was to find our how much of the population of India belongs to a category, be it SC, ST or OBC.

Respondents’ criteria

  • The project wanted us to cover respondents in the age group 18 to 25 years, 26 to 35 years, 36 to 45 years and 46 years above
  • We needed to cover 80 males and 80 females in total from the metro, T2 and T3 cities from all the four zones.
  • The various castes categories that needed to be covered were HINDUs and its Sub Caste Brahmins / Kshatriya / Viashya / Scheduled Tribes / Schedule caste etc 

Research Method

We adopted Opinion Poll research method for this project.

The Poll Question

“Though Brahmins are just 4% of population, the form nearly 40% of BJP and RSS. Thus BJP and RSS are essentially Brahmin organisations and against other castes apart from Brahmins. Though BJP/RSS talk of Hindutva, they are actually about Brahmin dominance and neglect of other Hindu castes.

In view of this will you vote for a Brahmin dominated organisation like BJP/RSS?”

Respondents’ answer to be given in either YES or NO

Our Success Story

Opinion polls research are conducted through telecommunications or in person-to-person contact or through Social media polling. We adopted all the three methods to get the outcome as this project needed to be complete in 24 hours times. Thankfully the response was good and we got the maximum responses from the social media platform.

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