CAPI Research Method :
The basic concept of CAPI

When it comes to conducting your market research surveys, there are many useful tools to choose from, including CATI telephone interviews and CAWI web interviews. But, at times, you also need to conduct face-to-face interviews as well. This is where CAPI is of big help to interviewers. The best part is that you can conduct such survey interviews even in the absence of traditional surveying technology such as a telephone or Internet connection.

The basics of CAPI

CAPI or Computer-assisted personal interviewing is a popular method in the Market research industry for survey works. This type of survey methodology is also referred to as a face-to-face interview. Here the interviewer asks questions from a pre-set questionnaire and inputs the responses from the respondents. The interviewer uses a tablet, mobile phone or a computer to record answers given during the interview. It is commonly used in areas such as shopping malls or other public areas where the interviewer can connect with the respondents directly and engage them to complete the survey threr and then itself, right on site.


CAPI survey methodology works even offline

Although, there is the need of some digital platforms like as laptop, tablet, phone in order to conduct the interview, the benefit is that you don’t need to have an Internet connection. You can gather data offline and later on, you can sync and upload.

Advantages of CAPI Survey

1. More number of participations

People are much more likely to respond to a request for a personal interview face to face rather than using automated, mechanical surveys or telephonic interviews. CAPI actually gives a personal human touch to connect with the respondent directly. There are higher participation rates in CAPI market surveys.

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2. Good Data Quality

Since, there is a human touch and you conduct a face to face interview, you get good and true responses. You can customize your survey questions as required and also the interviewee is allowed to see the screen. There is no possibility of human error while transferring the data from paper to computer, because it is originally entered into the computer and is formatted to be readable on laptops, tablets and smartphones.

3. It Saves Time

You get your survey results fast as there are immediate responses. The survey format is easily comprehensible and you do not have to print and distribute survey questions to interviewers and interviewees. There is no complicated process of transferring survey answers. Data cleaning, if required at all, is on a much smaller scale.

4. Costs Less per Survey

Since you can connect with a large number of respondents in a single location, there is less cost involved. CAPI gets you a very low cost per finished survey.

Disadvantages of CAPI Survey

Strong geographical constraint. The CAPI is more adapted to reduced geographical areas.

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