Gold Loan Study: Online Questionnaire
Research Project

Gold Loan Study: Understanding Trends and Preferences


The major purpose of this study was to identify how many people had taken gold loans in the previous three years or planned to take gold loans in the coming year. In addition, we wanted to see how many customers favored gold loans from structured sectors over those from unorganized sectors like pawnshops.

Gold Loan Study

Client’s Requirement

The client specified the following requirements for the study:

  • Geographical Focus: Respondents should be from semi-urban centers in Maharashtra (Sangli, Jalna) and Tamil Nadu (Trichy, Vilupuram).
  • Age Group: The study targeted individuals aged 30 to 60 years old.
  • Gender Distribution: 20% of the respondents were required to be female.
  • Language Preference: Respondents should preferably answer the questions in their local language.

Research Methodology

To carry out this project, we picked the online questionnaire approach, which is a popular and effective survey tool. This strategy entails systematically collecting data from the target audience by sending them a link to an online questionnaire. Respondents answered the questionnaire by selecting answers from checkboxes or drop-down choices. The responses were submitted immediately to the client’s and our administrative panels.

Success Story

One of the obstacles in this study was reaching the target population in specific semi-urban areas. Our team of specialist researchers situated in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra was essential in interacting with the local population. Thanks to their efforts, we were able to reach a total of 800 respondents, 400 from each state.

The project was finished in a week, with 100% correctness and meeting all of the client’s specifications.

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This gold loan study not only revealed useful information about the preferences and behaviors of potential gold loan borrowers, but it also highlighted the efficiency and effectiveness of online surveys. Our team’s dedication and local expertise helped us overcome obstacles and ensure the project’s success. This study demonstrates our capacity to provide accurate and fast research solutions tailored to our clients’ needs.

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